Reports of possible deal on DHS funding reignites chatter about Boehner ouster

Nov. 6, 2014: House Speaker John Boehner at news conference on Capitol Hill, in Washington, D.C. (AP)

Nov. 6, 2014: House Speaker John Boehner at news conference on Capitol Hill, in Washington, D.C. (AP)

Multiple reports that House Speaker John Boehner has cut a deal to pass a long-term funding bill for the Department of Homeland Security without ties to rolling back President Obama’s executive action on immigration has reignited rumblings about a Boehner coup.

The deal was purportedly struck as the House agreed late Friday night to fund the agency for seven days to avoid a partial shutdown.

At least one congressional aide said the deal between Boehner and House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi was to get enough Democratic votes in the Republican-led chamber to avoid the shutdown at midnight Friday, in exchange for Boehner’s promise to allow a vote next week on a long-term funding bill “clean” of the immigration issue.

The calls for Boehner’s ouster appear to be coming mostly from the 50-plus, most-conservative members who formed the new Freedom Caucus. And they appear to be growing more restless.

The number of House Republicans who voted Friday night against the 7-day funding for DHS was 55, compared to 52 who voted against the failed 3-week funding bill earlier in the evening.

The party’s most conservative wing tried unsuccessfully in January, at the start of the 114th Congress, to replace Boehner.

Read more at Fox News

Categories: Immigration policy, National security, Politics, US News

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4 replies

  1. Wonder if our new members are going to walk us off a cliff? Not looking pretty.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I really like this article. It’s well written and provides some interesting historical background information.

    I think this story illustrates the extent to which our “broken government” is more a function of a deeply divided and dysfunctional Republican Party than of traditional partisan politics. In contrast to the Republican Party, the Democrat Party presents American voters with a unified and coherent political message.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. If I was the speaker, I would take the 75 semi-sane members and start leading. That may silence the crazies running up the hill below him. If you can not lead, go home. He does not have many options. These teaparty crowd are a national emergency.

    I am delighted that we did not leave that group take over our party.

    Liked by 1 person

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